Late Stage Mature Pre IPO Unicorns -

Impossible Foods – Not just burgers?

When you look into the deeper potential for Impossible Foods, a bigger story emerges.  For example are you aware of the UN’s 2030 plan to eradicate world hunger and end our reliance on meat based diets?  Read the full document  Here:N1529189 There’s only one way that’s going to happen, Food Science. And now they have[…]


From fragile to resilient: Building a connected company

From Palantir @ Medium: The global disruption caused by COVID-19 has revealed fundamental weaknesses in how our institutions operate, even beyond public health. Sudden changes in the social and economic landscapes have created operational stressors and blockages that many organizations are not equipped to handle — demand fluctuates drastically just as supply chains unravel. Circumstances[…]