Late Stage Mature Pre IPO Unicorns -

The truth about the private equity ‘sweet spot’ — Knoxville, TN – 10/8/2023 — Most investors don’t know what is private equity or venture capital, but many have invested in crowdfunding campaigns or other deals which are in fact private equity.  Investing in a residential rental property (real estate) is private equity.  What are the average returns in PE/VC? The average returns[…]

Issuers revert to Crowdfunding and other alternative methods of raising capital — 4/3/2023 — New York, NY — 2023 has been a dramatic year for the VC industry.  Last year, in 2022, public markets experienced a significant correction which spilled over into private markets.  Many professional investors such as funds, were seeing great bargains in public equities and so diverted attention there.  Also, simply due[…]

Wisdom of the Crowd vs. Venture Capital Startup Funding

Pre IPO Swap – 10/16/2022 — Startups are one of the hardest business activities in Capitalism and also one of the most valuable.  Small businesses create the most amount of new jobs, not to mention efficiencies, and new markets.  Raising capital is even harder, when you don’t have a track record or anything to show[…]