Late Stage Mature Pre IPO Unicorns -

Rubrik an emerging leader in cloud architecture

Cloud computing represents a major shift from client server technology.  In a cloudy world, any device can access the cloud.  Theoretically, you can trade from your phone, tablet, or laptop.  That’s because software is running on an array of computers in a data center, which is managed in real time.  Computing power can be allocated between[…]


The Twenty Craziest Investing Facts Ever

Authored by Michael Batnick via, 1. Since 1916, the Dow has made new all-time highs less than 5% of all days, but over that time it’s up 25,568%. 95% of the time you’re underwater. The less you look the better off you’ll be. 2. The Dow has compounded at less than 3 basis points[…]